Well *gasp*

Surviving existence requires a healthy amount of audacity, delusion and escapism. This is a daring way to start an article about a book convention, but hear me out. Now, escapism can come in many ways, shapes and forms; some of which may be harmful, some may get boring, and some just irritate your loved ones. My form of escapism severely annoys anyone who gives me a chance to open my mouth and talk. But hey, I could be an arsonist, I could be a murderer, or I could be a cannibal … So, my parents should count their blessings. I’m one of the good ones.

Anyway, I’m worse than a nerd and I’m a borderline geek; I’m basically a reader. Which, if you ask me is the most supreme form of escapism there is. Reading is peak entertainment and quality source material for fantasies at any given moment.

Instagram: booksimreading28

Do you want to live somebody else’s problems instead of your own? Read.

Do you want to cry but have no reason to? Read.

Do you want to live in the 1950’s but are stuck with modern technology and no generational wealth? Read.

Do you want the fuzzy feeling of romance but aren’t in a relationship? Read.

Do you want to ignore people in public? Read.

Are you bored at a social event? Read

I’m sure you get the gist. Read, read, read. And get this, there’s something for everyone. Literally. It doesn’t matter what you want, how bizarre it sounds, or how outlandish it is; it exists somewhere out there.

Now, a challenge I’ve had throughout my reading career is that I find it extremely hard to find people to talk to about it. Considering we’re in Zambia, I can’t find book merch either. I proudly want to wear “dark romance girlie” on my chest for the world to see, but we just don’t have that. So, we at Nerd|Otaku thought “Well that’s not ideal. We are a community designed to make pockets of space for nerds; why have we been sleeping on the book community?” So, I, a dying book worm, and my fellow nerd people, have come to the rescue of all of you readers.

Bookish Affairs is the first Nerd|Otaku event designed exclusively for readers and/or writers. Sorry anime, movie and gaming enthusiasts, we want you not.

This event is for all of you who love to read. Every genre possible; we want you there. Every single one of you. Even the Colleen Hoover fans, the ACOTAR lovers, the historical fiction people, and the lovers of classics. The smut fanatics, the espionage conspiracists, the poets, the die-hard romantics, and the tragedy lovers. All. Of. You.

I’ve talked the ears off of anybody that will listen. I’ve initiated people who have fallen off. I’ve screamed into my pillow at 3AM when the enemies become lovers, and then gone to class the next day to act like I didn’t just have my life changed. I’ve “one more chapter-ed” my way into dark eye circles an embarrassing number of times.

I personally have been reading my whole life too, so I’ve been through many reader phases. The fairytale books, the AO3 phase, the Wattpad phase, the ladybug books, the mills and boon phase, the mafia phase, the non-fiction phase, the leggings and converse and “I’m not like other girls” phase too. I even had a writing stint for a hot second.

We want to cater for writers as well. Do you want to get published but feel alone and don’t know how? We’ve got you. Panels with seasoned industry professionals will give you the information you seek and desire. Are you a poet and you want actual listeners for your spoken word? Come too, for no fee at all, provided you register your details before the 16th of October. Do you want to sell your books? Or sell books in general? Do you want stickers for your kindle? Do you want that one Harry Potter shirt? Do you want to buy books? Do you want merch? Themed shirts? Do you just want to read in a corner?

Do you want your next book recommendation? Do you want to talk about that smutty book? Or that book which left your jaw hanging from plot twists? That one book that made you cry yourself sick, or that one book that you wanted to rip to shreds and throw against the wall. And let us not forget that one book where the main character gave you ridiculous levels of second-hand embarrassment.

Perhaps you want to slander a certain author? Or a certain piece of art? Do you want to make a book club? Do you want to host your book club? Do you want to compare annotations? Do you want to analyze carefully and review your favorite work? What would you like to see that I haven’t mentioned? An opportunity to showcase a themed slideshow of why you hate or love a certain piece of literature? All of that is allowed! All of it is wanted.

Are you tired of listening to your bookworm friend talking your ears to numbness? Just hand them over to us for a day, and you’ll have some peace. You can come as a grown-up, a kid, a new reader or even a seasoned veteran like myself. You can also come if you’re an author, a poet, a publisher, or if you like audiobooks, physical or soft copies. All. Of. You. Are. Welcome. Do you want to talk about booktokers and bookstagramers you swear by? All of that will be catered for at Bookish Affairs.

Instagram: choolwethegirl

Instagram: ndulwa

We’re open to suggestions. Do you have a bunch of books lying in your house that you just don’t want anymore? Feel free to bring them along so you can swap them out with other books.

Do you want to find other fandoms within the book community? Or just sit and make friendship bracelets? Play board games? Listen to music? Watch a movie adaptation and reference the book for all the things you like or dislike? All of that is going to be at Bookish Affairs.

Bookish Affairs Logo

I’ll be glad to leave my home to sit with a bunch of other people who could have been cannibals but chose to be readers instead. You can talk nonstop about your bookish red flags, and those book boyfriends that make your toes curl. You can also talk about that one hidden trope you’ve been dying to defend from public assault, and share socials to great recommendations and get hacks on where to get more books. If you’re not running to click the registration link, you should be. I, personally, am vibrating at a frequency strong enough to shatter glass, and I cannot wait for Bookish Affairs to get here.

You can find the registration form here on our website or find it in the link in our bio on all our social media… That’s Nerd|Otaku Zambia on Instagram, X, Facebook, and we even have a WhatsApp channel.

And the fee to pay for all this reader heaven? K100. Only. And they’ll be food vendors on site too.

A little side note: if you want to sell merch, food, or books, or any fun stuff you think we should do, you can come through. It’s still K100. Feel free to send a direct message to Nerd|Otaku with more ideas, but I bet you I’ve thought of all of them. Who knows, if you surprise us, you might win a free ticket. (Okay, that part is me lying to you. I got caught up in the moment).

Just so you know, here’s a list of stuff to do.

  1. Boardgames
  2. Friendship bracelet making
  3. A book swap
  4. An open mic for poets

(5. I wanted to have face paints but they shut me down.)


  1. Merch for sale (bookmarks, stickers, shirts …)
  2. Book discussions.
  3. Panels on publication in the industry from seasoned professionals
  4. And we’ll have a tier list so you can rate or slander your favorite tropes.
  5. We’ve catered for the children, if they’ll be any, so they’ll be a children’s corner.
  6. Also check out our content partners. Maybe you follow them on social media and you like what they have to say about books. They’ll be there too.
  7. Entire libraries are coming over so you can find who’s close to your home so you can keep escaping to read there.
  8. A whole reading corner. Just to sit and read.
  9. A screening of a movie adapted from a book.


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