Dragon Ball Super Hero Launch Recap – by Mali-Chan The Prep On Saturday the 20th of August, I had the joy of attending the special premiere of the Dragon Ball Super Hero movie. Knowing well in advance that this movie was hitting our theatres around this time, I...
LAN DAY 03 – My Brief Recap – El Mojan What is a LAN? Before we dive into this plethora of a written content one could ask what a LAN party is. You have an internet connection, GOOGLE IT. Jokes aside, a LAN party is a gathering of people with computers...
Board Game Party – My Brief Recap – GreatMonk Backstory So one day, Hardus (an active Nerd Otaku member) invited my friends and I to a board game party hosted by Nerd Otaku, set to happen on the 30th July 2022. We were excited of course, we do these board...
LAN Party 02 with Liquid Intelligent Technologies - Mini Review The event was held at BongoHive and was sponsored by Liquid Intelligent Technologies. Our gamers got a chance to experience the incredible speeds offered on Liquid internet! These meets between fellow...
LAN Party with Liquid Intelligent Technologies - Reflection Piece The Nerd Otaku LAN Party with Liquid Intelligent Technologies at Bongo Hive was an opportunity for our PC gamers to come nerd out and enjoy a day of non-stop fun! Events like this don’t happen often...
LAN Party with Liquid Intelligent Technologies - Mini Review Early this past Saturday morning, a group of passionate gamers made the trek over to BongoHive for the first Nerd Otaku LAN Party of 2022. The event was sponsored by Liquid Intelligent Technologies, and our...
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