Member Spotlight: Dana "Scotty" Jongolo Photographer extraordinaire, social media guru, and most importantly devoted father and partner, Scotty brings life and joy into the lives of those with whom he connects. His exploits in Viking land are almost as impressive as...
I Played - Elden Ring - My First Souls Game I hate Souls Games, always have and yet somehow, Elden Ring might be one of my favourite video game releases this year. In this little article I will do my best to explain how a player like me, one who still doesn’t know how...
Review of the AKG N400NC True Wireless Earbuds As someone addicted to binge watching reviews of sound systems, speakers, headphones, and IEM’s (In Ear Monitors – basically earbuds), when Crinacle+ uploaded his The BEST (sounding) True Wireless Earbuds, I...
Cities Skylines Collaborative Project Living in Zambia as a gamer does sometimes make one feel disconnected and out of the loop, especially when watching popular streamers and how easy and accessible multiplayer and online gaming is for them. However, what we lack in...
Review of the FX-Audio DAC-X6 This is my personal review of the DAC-X6. I have been contemplating buying a DAC (Digital Analogue Converter)/Headphone amplifier for years, but it always felt like an audiophile excess. However, as I started dabbling in things like...
Dennis "The Kidd"s Recap of LsCon 2019Heya everyone! Here is a little recap from me, Kidd (one of the organisers) on what was at the 5th iteration of Lusaka Comic Con which was held at NASDEC this year. The decision to switch to a bigger venue turned out to be an...
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