RAI-COMMENDATION: JUUNI TAISEN Juuni Taisen: Zodiac War, or Wars of the Twelve, is an action filled anime. Its first season has 12 episodes, with each episode highlighting a specific warrior; their goals, skills, and background. The Juuni Taisen is a battle held every...
“What do you desire? Honour and pride? Power and influence? Money and riches? Revenge or to transcend all such things?… Climb the tower, and everything will be yours.” – Headon Tower of God – Brief Review by Mizz Rai This is a dark-fantasy action...
CHAINSAW MAN : AN HONEST REVIEW Many things have been said about Chainsaw man, “will be best anime of this year”, “will be talked about for decades” , “will raise a new generation of anime lovers like Attack on titan”, many have...
Spy X Family Episode 01 - My Thoughts Its been a very long time since the anime fandom has had a certified mainstream level hit in the slice of life sub genre of anime and thanks to this seasons’ highly anticipated Anime adaptation of the Tastuya Endos’s Slice of Life...
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