2024 Zambia



The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is an annual event that brings together game developers, designers, artists, and enthusiasts from around the world to collaborate on the creation of games within a short time frame.

The primary goals of the Global Game Jam include fostering creativity, innovation, and community within the game development industry. Participants form teams, brainstorm ideas, and work intensively to bring their game concepts to life. The event is not only an opportunity to showcase individual skills but also to experience the collaborative and iterative nature of game development.

What to expect in 2024

Nerd|Otaku are thankful for our premiere sponsor, Liquid Intelligent Technologies, as well as the partners who are collaborating with us in the organization of the Nerd|Otaku Zambia Jamsites for 2024. Without them this event would not be possible. This year the GGJ will be a hybrid event once more. What that means is the first 5 days will be online only for participants who wish to start early, and the final 2 days will be hosted at the International School of Lusaka, in Lusaka, and at American Corner at Copperbelt University, in Kitwe. All communication will be done through our Nerd Otaku Discord server. If you have not connected to our server yet, please do that now.

Our 2023 JAMSITE

Nerd|Otaku and Liquid Intelligent Technologies partnered to host the GGJ Nerd Otaku Zambia Jamsite in 2023. It was an enjoyable experience as we came together to craft games, acquire new skills, forge friendships, and celebrate our mutual passion for gaming and the process behind the development of games.



ONLINE  – January 22 till 26

Online via our Discord Server. Teams will be created by our organizers as teams sign up.

Physical – January 27 through 28 – At the following venues

Mosi-oa-Tunya Shopping & Recreation

Munali Rd, Lusaka

American Corner at CBU

Copperbelt University, Kitwe

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+26 (096) 639-0899