Spy X Family Episode 01 - My Thoughts

Its been a very long time since the anime fandom has had a certified mainstream level hit in the slice of life sub genre of anime and thanks to this seasons’ highly anticipated Anime adaptation of the Tastuya Endos’s Slice of Life Action/Comedy Manga Spy X Family we just might have that proverbial and elusive hit on our hands.

In Tastuya Endos’s Spy X Family, we just might have that proverbial and elusive hit on our hands.

Spy X Family follows the lives and hijinks of an adoptive nuclear family of convenience consisting of the Patriarch Loid Forger, A master spy whose missions task requires that he has a family. This leads to him to adopt a young girl and life of the series called Anya. Anya has a secret of her own, she is a telepath and can read peoples minds. This ability and her cute innocent demeanor is what the show mostly relies on for its comedic and sometimes dramatic impact. In one of her introductory scenes after realising that her new Dad is a spy she specifically asks to tag along on a special mission even though Loid was juts going shopping. She then proceeds to have an impromptu hide and seek game with him, much to the frustration of Loid who then locks her up in their home.

Spy X Family works as great bridge between most slice of life and mainstream audiences because it has interesting characters, brisk pacing and some edge of your seat action set pieces. The first episodes’ rescue mission is a particular highlight reminiscent of Mission Impossible 2, complete with mask under mask action.

The first episodes’ rescue mission is a particular highlight reminiscent of Mission Impossible 2, complete with mask under mask action.

As of writing the show is currently still airing on Crunchyroll and subscribers in Zambia can watch the show there https://www.crunchyroll.com/spy-x-family. Here is to hoping the show keeps its high octane momentum of laughs, cute moments and action throughout the entirety of its 20+ episode run. And if you do like Spy X Family I recommend Barakamon and Kurenai as accompanying yet similar shows to fill your palette.

If you are interested or wish to get hyped, watch the trailer!

written by

Dennis "TheKidd" Banda

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